Wednesday 18 May 2011

Many first-timers to Indian cuisines.

Many first-timers to Indian cuisines and cuisine carry age-old thoughts (read myths) with regards to the recipes of India. In the article below, get to know the facts and background of some myths and even some truths about Indian recipes.

Indian Food is always spicy: This is the overall consensus among foreigners. Not true at all. While Indian recipes in general is more spicy, there are plenty of cuisines where the food is even sweet and bland. So if spicy is not your preference you could try those cuisines, for starters Gujarati cuisines are perfect for people who dislike spicy food.

Gujarati cuisine has a touch of sweetness in virtually all of its dishes. Traditional South Indian cooking (except Andhra Pradesh) is generally less-spicier than other regions in India. Kashmiri cuisine also incorporates sweet tasting dishes in its menu. So when someone tells you Indian cooking is spicy, don't entirely believe them.

The majority of Indian recipes are Vegetarian: Well, not entirely true. While many sections of India are strictly vegetarian, the array of non vegetarian cuisines available in this part of the world is immense.

Contrary to widespread belief, many Indians are meat-eaters and cook them well too. Chicken is perhaps the most well-liked meat in India. Cow is considered a sacred animal and is avoided by Hindus though Muslims and Christians eat beef. Sea cuisines is also well-liked in coastal regions like Goa, Mangalore, Kerala, West Bengal and others.

There is no variety in Indian cooking: Many, especially foreigners and first time visitors to India, are of the opinion that Indian food doesn't have many of choices. Indian cuisine is probably the most varied cuisines-culture in the world!

This is really a misconception around the world and even in India. Chicken Tikka did not originate in India. It was brought into India by Mughals and has its origins in Persia.

Its all about curry: Another misconception While curry might have been made famous by South Asian ethnic groups in Britain and USA, it isn't all about curry. Outside India, curry is generally referred to as a spicy, thick gravy, but curry is not just that, curry in South India means a vegetable side dish.

Indians eat food with their hands: Sometimes shocking to a visitor to India is the practice of eating cuisines with hands. This is true as Indians consider eating with their hands as tastier in addition to being ritualistic. Also, most Indian dishes are difficult to be eaten with forks and spoons. Many Indians today use their hands in addition to forks & spoons.

You will also find that in certain Indian regions, food is served on a banana leaf or an areca nut leaf. These traditions are passed on to families since many generations and several modern Indians continue to follow them regardless of caste differences.

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